John Liptay
Associate Professor, Philosophy; Acting Head, Religion and Culture
- Address
- STM 441
Research Area(s)
- Aquinas’ ethics and the Thomistic philosophical tradition
- Theoretical and normative issues in moral philosophy
- The philosophy of Bernard Lonergan
- B.A. (Toronto)
- B.A. Hons. (Queen’s)
- M.A. (Toronto)
- Ph.D. (Toronto)
Research Projects
- On the Alleged Disintegration of Natural Law Theory (a critical discussion of Pauline C. Westerman’s thesis)
- How to Understand the First Principles of Natural Law (an investigation into the different ways that the first principles of natural law are understood today, with a defense of Finnis’ position)
Selected Publications and Presentations
- "Natural Law and/as Intercultural Philosophy," Annual Symposium of the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association, Saint Paul University and the Dominican College of Philosophy & Theology, Ottawa, ON, 22-23 October 2010.
- "Towards Harmonizing the Accounts of von Hildebrand and Aquinas on Love," International Conference on the Christian Personalism of Dietrich von Hildebrand: Exploring his Philosophy of Love, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, 27-29 May 2010.
- The Importance of Insight. Essays in Honour of Michael Vertin. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. (Co-editor with David S. Liptay)
Teaching Responsibilities
- Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL 133) and Critical Thinking (PHIL 140)
- Courses in ethical theory and applied ethics (PHIL 231, 233, 234)
- Medieval Philosophy (PHIL 210, 211)
- The Philosophy of Human Nature (PHIL 294) and of Religion (PHIL 302)
- Advanced Problems in Philosophy and Theology (PHIL 404)
- Introduction to Catholicism (CTST 200)
Administrative Responsibilities
- Chair, Catholic Studies Minor Advisory Committee