Spring Convocation
List of Graduates
Adam Said Abdel Malak, Certificate, Computing
Kaley Aime, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Political Studies
Ayokunle Ajayi, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Biochemistry
Azwa Alam, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Political Studies
Azwa Alam, Certificate, Indigenous Governance Politics
Azwa Alam, Certificate, Global Studies
Karl Aera Almero, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Rachel Andres, Bachelor of Science Three-Year, Biology
Courtney Andrews, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, English
Yulian Androsenko, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) FourYr, Cellular, Physiological and Pharmacological Sciences
Javier Anleu Alegria, Bachelor of Science Honours, Bioinformatics
Chelsea Arseneau, Bach of Arts Science Four-Year, Health Studies
Michelleanne Atchivara, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Michelleanne Atchivara, Certificate, Japanese Language and Cultur
Josephine Azuka-Oganwu, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Food Science
Jade Badger, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Sociology
Nathan Baillie, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Hussam Mohammad Bilal Bakhsh, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Economics
Marie Christine Balderama, Bach of Arts Science Honours, Health Studies
Emily Becker, Bach of Arts Science Four-Year, Environment and Society
Darrelyne Bickel, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Political Studies
Marian Birkland, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Psychology
Jayden Bissky, Bachelor of Arts Honours, International Studies
Jayden Bissky, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Political Studies
Logan Bitz, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Sociology
Logan Bitz, Certificate, Indigenous Governance Politics
Gavin Blondeau, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Regional and Urban Planning
Maksym Bodnarchuk, Bachelor of Science Honours, Physiology and Pharmacology
Bailee Brewster, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Psychology
Erin Brotzel, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Biology
Lily Buckles-Whittle, Bachelor of Science Honours, Biology
Lily Buckles-Whittle, Certificate, Biological Research
Samantha Bundus, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Physiology and Pharmacology
Benjamin Camplin, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Computer Science
Jezza Mae Canuto, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) FourYr, Cellular, Physiological and Pharmacological Sciences
Pranav Chaudhari, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Computer Science
Saman Chughtai, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Business Economics
Brianne Cipywnyk, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Maria Andrea Clarete, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Psychology
Dawson Connelly, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Regional and Urban Planning
Ayden Corbeil, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Physiology and Pharmacology
Jacqueline Costanzo, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Regional and Urban Planning
Dale Couet, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, English
Alexandra Currie, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, English
Jade Cyrenne, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Psychology
Minh Phuong Dang, Bachelor of Science Three-Year, Computer Science
Jackson Davis, Bach of Arts Science Four-Year, Interactive Systems Design
Danielle Delorme, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Sociology
Joseph Desjarlais, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) Honours, Biomedical Neuroscience
Elliot Dillabough, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Political Studies
Veronica Dirk-Pothier, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Veronica Dirk-Pothier, Certificate, Criminology and Addictions
Ava Dulos, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Regional and Urban Planning
James Entaalo, Certificate, Politics and Law
Jenna Ernst, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Psychology
Paula Estupinan Leon, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Political Studies
Paula Estupinan Leon, Certificate, Global Studies
Laurina Farr, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Archaeology
Katherine Fisher, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Womens and Gender Studies
Michaela Gadsby, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Physiology and Pharmacology
Michelle Gall, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, English
Laurence Craig Garcia, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Computer Science
Ashley Gartner, Bachelor of Science Three-Year, Biology
Akash Gill, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Physiology and Pharmacology
Alexandra Goldsmith, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Sociology
Alexandra Goldsmith, Certificate, Ethics, Justice and Law
Elizabeth Gorsalitz, Bachelor of Arts Honours, History
Keyara Greyeyes, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Kathryn Guenter, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Linguistics
Victoria Guenter, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Computer Science
Victoria Guenter, Certificate, Computing
Harriet Gundidza, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Computer Science
Urvashi Gupta, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Regional and Urban Planning
Matthew Halter, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Linguistics
Ryann Handley, Bachelor of Science Honours, Anatomy and Cell Biology
Avery Harder, Bachelor of Science Three-Year, Computer Science
Jessica Howard, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Jocelyn Hudson, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Kaylee Ilnisky, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Sociology
Joi Nicole Ines, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Political Studies
Stevie Isteevan, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Rebecca Iyoha, Bachelor of Science Honours, Biochemistry
Cathrina Jacildo, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Psychology
Shania Jamero, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Raghad Jaradat, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Sociology
Jill Jeffrey, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, French
Jill Jeffrey, Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours, Drama
Jill Jeffrey, Certificate, Intermediate French Language and Culture
Umer Khan, Bachelor of Science Honours, Computer Science
Sarah Kiesman, Bachelor of Science Honours, Psychology
Michael Kilborn, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Computer Science
Benjamin Kmiech, Certificate, Medical Language
Paige Knisley, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Sociology
Lucas Kobashi dos Anjos, Bachelor of Science Three-Year, Computer Science
Lucas Kobashi dos Anjos, Certificate, Global Studies
Tessa Koeberlin, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Anjay Koehn, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Olga Kopytko, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Physiology and Pharmacology
Marta Krueger, Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours, Studio Art
Saima Kumbhar, Bach of Arts Science Four-Year, Health Studies
Derek Kunkel, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Computer Science
Lorynn Labbie, Bachelor of Science Honours, Physiology and Pharmacology
Pamela Laliberte-Ross, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Melissa Lazurko, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Sociology
Daniel Leas, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Ashley Levesque, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Linguistics
Patience Lewis-Germain, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Wilson Li, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) FourYr, Biomedical Neuroscience
Yuyu Lu, Bachelor of Science Honours, Computer Science
Lual Lual, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Dana Lucas, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Miranda Lucki, Bach of Arts Science Honours, Health Studies
Kyle Luo, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) FourYr, Cellular, Physiological and Pharmacological Sciences
Igor Macedo, Bachelor of Science Honours, Geology
William MacInnes, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Modern Languages
Mary Margarette Mancha, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) FourYr, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology
Vanessa Mangiwet, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Sociology
Keesha Martin, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Biology
Anna-Marie Matthews, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, History
Tanner McCubbing, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Psychology
Matthew McLaughlin, Bach of Arts Science Four-Year, Environment and Society
Matthew McLaughlin, Certificate, Water Science
Ava McLean, Bachelor of Arts Honours, English
Christina McRorie, Bachelor of Arts Honours, International Studies
Savannah Meechance, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Sociology
Vikas Mehboob, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) Honours, Cellular, Physiological and Pharmacological Sciences
Jane Mohrbutter, Bachelor of Science Honours, Biology
Julia Morelli, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Political Studies
Julia Morelli, Certificate, Indigenous Governance Politics
Julia Morelli, Certificate, Global Studies
Raymond Morstad, Bachelor of Arts Honours, History
Sumreen Mughal, Bach of Arts Science Four-Year, Health Studies
Omer Munir, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) FourYr, Biomedical Neuroscience
Kimberly Murgu, Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours, Studio Art
Tanatswa Mutamiri, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Biology
Washma Nabi, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Ira Marie Nazareth, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Psychology
Ira Marie Nazareth, Certificate, Global Studies
Liam Neufeld, Bach of Arts Science Four-Year, Interactive Systems Design
Emma Neufeld, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Liam Neufeld, Certificate, Computing
Niza Ngwira, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Chemistry
Fiza Noor, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Anatomy and Cell Biology
Hans Nuque, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Economics
Valentine Offordum, Bach of Arts Science Four-Year, Health Studies
Oghenefejiro Onoruvwe, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) FourYr, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology
Joshua Oputteh, Bach of Arts Science Honours, Health Studies
Kaitlyn Oster, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Justin Pasloski, Bachelor of Science Honours, Environmental Earth Sciences
Justin Pasloski, Certificate, Water Science
Dhruti Alpesh Patel, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) ThreeYr, Biomedical Foundations
Aeshaben Patel, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Sophie Peters, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Psychology
Daly Pham, Bachelor of Science Honours, Microbiology and Immunology
Luc Piche, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Philosophy
Destiny Polischuk, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Matthew Prychak, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Dakota Rabbitskin, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Political Studies
Norah Ridley, Bachelor of Science Honours, Computer Science
Jai Riley, Bachelor of Science Honours, Computer Science
Joshua Roberto, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Computer Science
Caila Robson-Kullman, Bach of Arts Science Four-Year, Interactive Systems Design
Caila Robson-Kullman, Certificate, Computing
Anneka Rowe, Bachelor of Arts Honours, History
Anneka Rowe, Certificate, Jewish and Christian Origins
Emma Rusnak, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) ThreeYr, Biomedical Foundations
Bhavesh Saha, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Biology
Sharlene Sayed, Bach of Arts Science Four-Year, Health Studies
Maher Senoussi, Bachelor of Science Three-Year, Computer Science
Maher Senoussi, Certificate, Computing
Sidney Shacter, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Shayma Shah, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Linguistics
Shayma Shah, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Modern Languages
Chen Shen, Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours, Studio Art
Chen Shen, Certificate, Intermediate Studio Art
Ralion Kim Simbulan, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) FourYr, Cellular, Physiological and Pharmacological Sciences
Antonia Simko, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Physiology and Pharmacology
Michayla Siwak, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Religion and Culture
August Skrudland, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Sociology
Owen Smith, Bachelor of Arts Three-Year, Sociology
Owen Smith, Certificate, Criminology and Addictions
Oluwaferanmi Solarin, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Psychology
Taylor Spock, Bachelor of Science Honours, Psychology
Jaymie Stachyruk, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Sarah Sumalave, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Political Studies
Ammara Syeda, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Psychology
Ammara Syeda, Certificate, Computing
Pucheng Tan, Bachelor of Science Honours, Computer Science
Pucheng Tan, Certificate, Computing
Ho Kwan Tang, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Computer Science
Morgan Thompson, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Political Studies
Kristian Tud, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Computer Science
Alexander Verishine, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Psychology
Alexander Verishine, Certificate, Queer Theory, Gender Diversity, and Sexualities Studies
Fazia Virk, Bachelor of Science Honours, Anatomy and Cell Biology
Ashley Voinorosky, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Sociology
Yi Yang Wang, Bachelor of Science Four-Year, Computer Science
Oleksa Wasylow, Bachelor of Arts Honours, Political Studies
Tori Werner, Bachelor of Science Three-Year, Biology
Jamen Willis, Bachelor of Arts Honours, English
Jamen Willis, Certificate, Spanish
Naomi Wirsta, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Linguistics
Anna Wolitski, Bach of Arts Science Four-Year, Health Studies
Kieran Young, Bachelor of Arts Four-Year, Indigenous Studies
Ammar Zainulabdeen, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) FourYr, Biomedical Neuroscience
Jose Zapien Verdugo, Bach of Sc (Biomed Sc) Honours, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology
Rebecca Zimmer, Certificate, Global Studies
Fall Convocation
List of Graduates
Award Winners
The Right Reverend Monsignor Myroslav Kolodey Memorial Academic Prize is given annually to a graduating St. Thomas More College student with the highest overall cumulative average. The Kolodey Prize honours Fr. Kolodey who served with the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada and is a tribute to his vision, dedication, achievement, and love of learning. This year, the prize is awarded to Victoria Guenter.

The Thomas Deis '38 WWII Memorial Prize is awarded to a St. Thomas More College Student or Newman Centre member who has demonstrated an all-round excellence, leadership, and has enriched the life of STM and Newman. This year's recipient is Adam Eichorst.

The Fr. Henry Carr Award is awarded to a student who has shown leadership and contributed to the life of the St. Thomas More College. This year we have two worthy recipients: Tay Spock and Marta Krueger.

The Thomas Deis ‘38 Prize in Scholastic Philosophy in Honour of Dr. Basil Markle S.T.D is awarded annually to a distinguished graduating student of St. Thomas More College majoring in Philosophy. This year's recipient is Luc Piche.