Daniel Regnier
Professor, Philosophy; Department Head, Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies
- Address
- STM 220
Research Area(s)
- Ancient Philosophy
- Philosophy in the Islamic World (In particular the transmission of Greek thought into Arabic)
- Comparative Philosophy (in particular Greece and China)
- German Idealism
- Philosophy of Music
- Ph.D. École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris)
- M.A. Ludwig-Maximillians Universität (Munich)
- B.A McGill (Montreal)
Research Projects
- I am working on a project on the transmission of Plotinian thought into Arabic (with the support of an SSHRC Insight Development Grant)
- I am working on a project on the political thought of Merab Mamardashvili
Selected Publications and Presentations
- “Imagination in the Theology of Aristotle.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 57, no. 2 (2019): 181–204.
- “Utopia’s Moorish Inspiration: Thomas More’s Reading of Ibn Tufayl.” Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme 41, no. 3 (Summer / été 2018): 17-45.
- “Plotinus and Tarkovsky on Experience and the Transparency of Reality” Chapter 9, in Thorsten Botz-Bornstein and Giannis Stamatellos, Eds. Plotinus and the Moving Image, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017, pp. 158-186.
- “Imaginary Analogies: Commentary on G.E.R. Lloyd “The fortunes of Analogy” Australasian Philosophical Review 1.3 (2017)
- “One and the Possibility of Many in Greek and Indian Philosophy: Plotinus and Ramajuna” Philosophy East and West, 67.3 (July 2017).
- “A Moment in the Mamardashvili’s Conception of Non-Classical Rationality: His Reception of Uznadze’s Psychologival Theory of Set” Transcultural Studies, 10.3 (2014)
Teaching Responsbilities
- Introductory courses in philosophy (in particular PHIL 121 Introduction to World Philosophies)
- Courses in Ancient Philosophy
- Kant
- Philosophy of Music
Administrative Responsbilities
- Acting Head of the STM Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Various committees at STM